Essex Farm Cemetery

Ieper, Belgium

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Essex Farm Cemetery - Ieper, Belgium

There are 1,200 servicemen buried or commemorated in the cemetery. Of these burials 103 are not identified.

The location of Essex Farm Advanced Dressing Station (ADS) is believed to be the place in May 1915 where the Canadian Army Doctor Major John McCrae composed his famous poem, 'In Flanders Fields'.

The red poppies growing amongst the military graves near to the makeshift medical bunker he was working in at that time are believed to have been the inspiration for the poem. The symbol of the red poppy and the death death of a friend, Lieutenant Alexis Helmer, deeply affected McCrae, as it would anyone suffering the pain of that war.

Within the same grounds is the 49th Division West Riding Memorial.

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Dr. John McCrae's dressing station.
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